Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bye bye Elmos!

I said goodbye to 12 Elmos last week and carefully packaged them in a cooler bag, bound for Minnesota. They arrived safe and sound in Minnesota two days later, just in time for a little girl's birthday party. What a good Auntie to send her nieces such a fun surprise for her birthday!
My first shipment was successful! 
We did a test run with a shipment by packaging up an Elmo and driving around with it in the truck for a couple of days. That poor Elmo did not fare so well....he was so soft and fell right off the stick. So with our shipment to MN we froze them the night before, packaged them in a cooler bag with an ice pack and shipped them 2-day. Overnight would have been best but it was $50, and 2-day was $15. Cake Pops "keep" very well, and now we know that they travel well too!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

More Fun Cake Pops!

This week I did a lot of new kinds of Cake Pops! I did Hello Kitty, Ice Cream Cones and Chocolate Covered Strawberries. They turned out great!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dora and Hello Kitty!

I had two orders this week for girls birthday parties. One was a Dora party and the other was Hello Kitty.

The Hello Kitty ones turned out great!

 For the Dora party we did Dora colors - pink, purple and orange!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

More Angry Birds

Just a small order of 16 angry birds, so I did about half of the red angry birds and half the pigs! I haven't done the pigs before but I really like them!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Cake Pop Family

Today I made a family of cake pop people and a dog! The people turned out great but I really liked the dog!

I was asked to do a mom and dad, and their four kids (2 boys 2 girls). Three are blonde and three are brown haired. Their dog is a golden retriever. So it was their whole family of seven!

Monday, July 9, 2012


These dinosaurs were so cute! I wish we had taken more pictures, or pictures before they were put in bags. Oh well, you can kind of see them. I did one dozen dinosaurs for a little boys birthday party. Hope he likes them!

There will be more to come this month! I've been doing other orders but some have been just sprinkles or more red white and blue, so I haven't posted all of them. But its been fun, and there will be more fun ones to come in July.

Just let me know if you would like to place an order!